Friday, October 29, 2004

CEO's Office

CEO's Office

I know our CEO is from Singapore and is a bit short, but do you reckon this table is a tad small?

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Busy Busy Busy

The Jacaranda Basketball Carnival has been and gone. Great result for our teams, finishing 2nd in A Grade Men and 2nd in B Grade Women. Both results could have been firsts if things had have gone our way. I have been ridiculously busy with work (and being away with for the whole weekend) so I have not updated my photo collection for 2 weeks. Expect more photos soon including shots from Grafton and the UQ Basketball End of Year Awards Dinner.

In the meantime, check out the new Treo 650 from PalmOne. It is the updated version of my existing phone, with a better screen, faster processor and Bluetooth among other things.

Friday, October 15, 2004

New Sign at Work

New Sign at Work

My company moved premises a while back but we still did not have a sign. Now we do! Looks great hey.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

My Sore Toe

My Sore Toe

Well I hope this works, cannot really see the photo on here, bnut this is my bruised toe. Just resting it ready for Grafton next weekend.

I recommend using FireFox as your Internet Browser. It is faster, safer and just plain cooler than Internet Explorer. For those geeks out there it very customisable with the ability to add plug-ins. It also has Themes or Skins so you can change the look and feel of the browser.

Get Firefox!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Jorgo and Sarah

I have been adding more photos to my photo gallery over at Here is a preview of one from when Jorgo popped in and said hi! I will be adding photos from the Marochydore Carnival of 2004 soon and, with Grafton just around the corner, be ready for more great basketball (and associated drinking) photos.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

More Photo's Up!

I have added some more photos to my website, including shots from Dan and Sam's 21st Birthdays from earlier this year. Check em out at

License Plate

My brother took this photo on his way to work this morning. Nice to see someone with a sense of humor, a lack of political correctness and the balls to spend the cash on a funny idea.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Lots of Space

Lots of Space

Check out the space created at my work. Our Product Development Division has moved so for the moment I have all this space to myself!!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Uni Games - it is all over

I am back from Uni Games, a very successful week may I say. Both UQ teams ended up finishing 6th, our best finish in 5 years! Great job everyone, the basketball was fantastic. The photo to the left is of course from Uni Games, check out the entire gallery at