Thursday, March 29, 2007

New Samsung Phone

Samsung are about to release a new messaging mobile phone based on Windows Mobile 5.0.  I am still looking for the perfect PDA / Phone combination and this could be it.  My Nokia E61 is great, but it is limited since it does not support the Telstra Next G network or HSDPA.  The Samsung BlackJack or Palm Treo 750 which both support the Next G network could be my ticket.

Samsung BlackJack

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Creature that has not had sex for 100 Million Years!

The Times Online UK has an article about a creature that has not had sex for 100 million years. The article is specifically focused on mating and the creation of variety. The study shows that pressure of natural selection can also create variety. Anyway, 100 million years! That is a long time. Poor little fellas! Check out the full article at: Creature that has not had sex for 100m years-News-UK-Science-TimesOnline


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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Pink Playstation has a story on "Sony unveils pink PlayStation 2 - PS2". Just had to include the photo here!
Pink PS2