Monday, October 09, 2006

A condom that plays music?!

The sweet sound of music
Looks like you're set to conduct your very own orchestera of love the next time you and your wife get it on in the shack. Ukranians are a very fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it) lot as they are set to receive a new condom that was designed to play music louder and faster as lovers reach a climax. The name of the condom is Zaporozhye, which was created by the equally unpronounceable Grigoriy Chausovsky, and these rubber barriers come with an integrated sensor that registers when the condom is put on. The base of the condom contains a miniature speaker which will play a melody from the received signal. A registered increase in speed will play the melody faster and louder. One can only wonder how such a device is powered - via kinetic energy?

Original Post from

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