Friday, September 19, 2003

Bad Boys, Good Toys

I went and saw Bad Boys II in Gold Class last night as part of Groomsmen preparations for James' wedding last night.

I was dissapointed for a start that it did not have the same music as the start of the first Bad Boys. It was very Michael Bay, Jerry Bruckheimer. Kinda almost a cross between Bad Boys and The Rock. (which you would think can only be good right??) Well it was definetly entertaining, with alot of trademark Michael Bay filming techniques. But I actually thought they tried to put too much in the movie. And they over did Martin Lawerence's character's emotional problems.

Still worth a look, but I guess a little dissapointing.

Check out infoSync World - All about Mobile phones, Smartphones, Handhelds and WAN Handhelds. Some information on two new gadgets coming out which I am big on. The Sony Ericcson P810 / P900 and the Handspring Treo 600. Both are PDA / phone gadgets that could fill the void of a combination PDA / phone that are actually useful, well sized and can replace my Siemens S55. Time will tell. We should see them available here in Australia by the end of the year I hope.

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