Monday, September 15, 2003

A Big Weekend

Big weekend. Not too many times am I going to have two Buck's parties in the one weekend, and my brother's and a great friend's to boot. I don't go to strip clubs very often, but I am still amazed that at 11:30pm on a Friday night, the place can be packed out with guys. I will say that I appreciate the skills (flexibility, dancing (if you would call it that)) of the strippers, I have to say that the entire industry urks me. Ok, so the girls are there cause they want to, they make a heap of cash, but I think it is degrading.

Hog's Breath on Petrie Tce have close to the best steaks in Brisbane. Ok Breaky Creek is pretty damn good, but for quick 2 minutes from my home, I cannot go past it!

My love for movies may have returned. Got to see "Pirates of the Carribean" last night. That is two movies in 4 days, after going cold turkey for about 2 months or so. IMDB gave it 7.9 out of 10. That is alot for a Bruckheimer production. Not sure it was a 7.9, I mean it was no "The Rock", but was entertaining enough. I was a bit dissapointed in Johnny Depp's character. I really admire his work as an actor, but something about his character did not sit right with me. Maybe it was because I could not pick him (i.e. what he would do next). There seemed no ryhme or reason to his decisions (one moment double crossing, the next showing loyalty and courage). Some might say he was supposed to be like that. I just think they used him to drive the story along, no matter what it meant to the way his character was developed. That disappointed me.

Still, special effects where great, some of the sword fighting scenes were imaginative (specially liked the Depp / Bloom clash in the Blacksmith's shop early on) and the costumes and pirate ship props were fantastic. Worth a look.

My next movie adventure shall be on Thursday for Bad Boys II. Another Michael Bay, Jerry Bruckheimer production. Not sure this one can live up to the first Bad Boys (or The Rock - which of course is the Bruckheimer yardstick - maybe that is appropriate being in loving memory of Don Simpson). And of course James' Wedding this Saturday plus Jenny's 21st (another weekend of painful drinking coming up!)

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