Sunday, September 12, 2004

Thailand, Chaos Theory and Religion

I returned to Singapore from Thailand today. Business went well and I got to appreciate some of Thailand's gems including a tradition 'Thai Massage' and Thai Food including Pad Thai Noodles and Green Curry. I have realised very quickly that I cannot eat any spicy foods. If I am going to spend more time over here in Singapore then I will have to learn.

I watched 'The Butterfly Effect' today. WOW! Fantastic film. It is hard to describe my reaction to it. Some of the images (especially of the kids behaviour) sent shivers down my spine. I was not 'scared' but the movie shocked me, surprised me. If you have not seen it I recommend it. Though it is not for the faint hearted.

I have never really had a place for religion or faith (I realise they are two distinct concepts) in my life. I guess being a person who is based around logic and reason, miracles or explaining the unexplained via an all powerful God has never been something I have done. The concept of faith though is greater than believing in God. Why do we do what we do? What drives us? Why do I get up and do what I do? I have asked these questions time and time again lately.

Anyway, reading Dan Brown books has been great. Not that these books answer these questions, but they take three things I love to know about, science, history and faith, and put them together in very acccessable and fictional tales. The Da Vinci Code was great. Digital Fortress was also entertaining though not holding the same 'read one more page' feeling of the former. I see that as a little ironic, seeing as though Digital Fortress lies very much in my realm as a Computer Engineer.

Back to the point, these books with their references to religion and faith, have sparked my brain into thinking more about spirituality. Alot of people say it is dead in the modern world. I am not so sure.

The Dan Brown book I am currently reading is Angels and Demons. I am intruged how films and books can have such an effect on me. I create extensive though processes and a thirst for more knowledge on things after seeing a movie or reading a book, yet interaction with people lacks the same effect. Maybe I speak with the wrong people? Maybe I don't ask the right questions?

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