Thursday, September 16, 2004

This sounds like my kinda website

It is true that the web is full of lots of weird and wonderful things. I decided to do a search for 'Thommo' just to see what came up. I found this site:

Get Thommo Pussy Campaign

I guess I gotta agree with that to a certain extent ;-). Anyway, what I thought was even funnier was that they refered to this particular Thommo as having Shrek-Syndrome. Their comment is that it is hard to pick up when you look like Shrek. Well I think that everyone who went to NUG 2004 can tell you that looking like Shrek does not prohibit a good pickup. My advice, just look for the nearest referee. Good on ya Shrek!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Muahhahahh, I'm glad you liked our website ;)